Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Christianity and Islam Essay

During the Post Classical Period, from their respective religious origins to the 1500s, the Christian anti – merchant attitude sharply contrasts with the Islamic pro – merchant attitude towards trade. Both Christianity and Islam’s attitudes gradually became more neutral, more moderate towards the end of the Post – Classical. The sharpest contrast between the views of Christians and Merchants towards trade can be seen during their respective religion’s origins, as exemplified in Documents 1, 2 and 3. Document 1 illustrates the founder of Christianity, Jesus’ negative view towards merchants and trade, along with Document 3 illustrating the early Church’s suspicion and negative attitude towards trade. Document 2 illustrates the founder of Islam, Mohammed’s positive view towards merchants and trade. For example, in Document 1, Jesus, founder of Christianity, proclaims, â€Å"A rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven (Doc. 1).† Early on, even from the foundations of Christianity, riches and wealth were deemed incompatible with the Christian ideal, the entrance to the kingdom of heaven. Early Christianity, therefore, viewed trade and riches as inherently evil and exploitive. The official Christian view, coming from it’s authoritative source, the Bible, decrees that the rich man, usually affiliated with the mercantile lifestyle, cannot possibly truly and correctly follow the faith, thus alienating merchants and traders, a harshly anti – merchant, anti – trade paradigm. In accordance with Jesus’ view, St. Godric in Document 3 â€Å"lived sixteen years as a merchant† but gave up his merchant livelihood to â€Å"[take up] the cross as a pilgrim to Jerusalem.† Thus, St. Godric becomes holy by giving up his material, mercantile possessions and instead, becomes a pilgrim to give himself to â€Å"God’s service.† St. Godric, in the Christian tradition is venerated not for his mercantile skills or his keen trading proficiency, but rather for his decision to give himself to God’s service. Thus, the Church, by virtue of canonizing St. Godric, emphasizes the â€Å"hermit† part of his life, much more so than his merchant livelihood.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethics in ICT Education: Utilizing Mobile Gadgets in Teaching and Learning Process Essay

In a technology-driven and digital society, getting information quickly is important to both instructors and students. The expansion and everyday use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have made it possible to quickly and instantly find information, share ideas among peer groups, allow instructors to easily interact with their students, and provide them with enabling platform for research and exploring new ideas. According to FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center, Nigeria ranked third in the world after US and UK, in internet fraudulent activities. Yet, there is no cyber security law to checkmates these issues locally. Thus, government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy backbone,Telecoms firms, and Consultants), in conjunction with legal community, to enact appropriate cybercrime laws. The write-up, bring to light the importance and application of mobile gadgets in learning process, issues associated with using mobile devices and ways to combat them. Keywords: Digital society, learning, students, instructors, education, mobile gadgets. Introduction: Mobile gadgets and phones can be a double-edge sword; the two can be used as a source of many benefits, for instance, the ease with which digital information can be analyzed, transmitted, and shared among numerous people and groups. On the other hand, they can be used to create ways of breaking laws or taking benefits away from others. For example, sending unsolicited e-mails is one of the compelling ethical issues raised by contemporary mobile gadgets users. Generally, information and communication technology (ICT) and the used of mobile gadgets are applied for the good of humankind; however it can also be abused and used as a tool for felony (L&N Long, 2005). Thus, the evolution of mobile gadgets have generated intense controversy and raised serious issues about information and communication technology ethics. An ethical individual accepts and lives by a set of moral principles and values. These principles define what is socially accepted as â€Å"good† and on the other hand what is â€Å"bad†, until today society continues to raise questions about what is or not ethical in the used of information technology gadgets. These issues are so important to our society, to the extent that educators see it as core subject that shall be integrated into college curricula. Educators believe that, if members of the society are made aware of the consequences of their actions, then there would be only fewer(marginal) people that will be motivated to commit computer crimes, contaminate systems with false information, post pornographic material to the internet, or abuse sanctity of intellectual property (K & J Laudon, 2003). . Ethics, Education, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Ethics in information technology â€Å"can be defined as the moral conducts and decisions confronting individuals, groups or institutions engaged in information and communication technology (ICT) practices (Martin M. 2009). It could also be defined as the study of moral ideals, character, policies and relationships of people and institutions involved in the activities of information and communication technology (Martin M. 2009). Whereas; educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources (AECT, 2004). Conversely, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be defined as a set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information. These technologies include internet, tablet computers, smart phones, and broadcasting technologies such as radio and television (Kukulska-Hulme et. al. 2005). The use of ICT (mobile gadgets and phones) for a range of different learning processes has been the prime concern of every right-thinking individual in this era. It is realized that, mobile gadgets and phones could add a completely new dimension to the teaching and learning process due to a wide range of attributes, such as being portable, ubiquitous, pervasiveness and the functions such as voice, video and data services, camera, video, radio, and the internet connectivity (Kukulska-Hulme et. al. 2005). Besides, Bressler, D, (2007) states that youth should be the target and first priority user group of mobile based teaching and learning, because research showed that teenagers and college students have a higher interest in every mobile phone activity than any other age group. Research Questions: This text endeavor to address the following questions raised by mobile gadgets and users: I. What ethical, social, and political issue arises by the uses of mobile technology gadgets? II. What are the specific codes of conduct that may be used to guide decision about cybercrime? III. Why do contemporary mobile gadgets pose challenges to the protection of individual rights and intellectual property? IV. How do mobile gadgets affect everyday life of instructors and students? V. How could mobile gadgets allow continuous access to education and reach marginalized groups of a society? RQ1-What ethical, social, and political issues arises by the uses of mobile technology gadgets? Ethical, social, and political issues are closely linked together. The ethical dilemma we may face in our academic system typically is reflected in social and political settings of the society (K & J Laudon, 2003). Let’s imagine our society, in which we are all living before the advent and penetration of mobile gadgets as a calm pond, an ecosystem in partial equilibrium with individual, society, and political institutions. Under this condition, everyone knows how to act in this pond because social institutions (family, colleges, polytechnics, universities, and organizations) have developed well-honed rules of behaviors and these are backed by laws developed in the political zone of the society that stipulate different do and promises appropriate penalty for violation any of the laid down policy and guiding principles. Now, information technologies development tosses a rock into the pond. The forces and pulsation as a result of tossing rock (mobile gadgets evolution) into the ponds, which is a powerful shock of new information technology revolutions that hit our social systems which is more or less (at rest or partial equilibrium) and thus generates positive and negative pulses. Suddenly, individuals, and society are confronted with new situations often not covered by the old laws (rules and code of conduct of the nation). The figure below portrays moral dimensions that connect ethical, social and political issues (K & J Laudon, 2003). Figure 1: Moral Dimensions (Ethical, Social, & Political) Issues Related To Mobile Gadgets: Excerpt from: Essential of Management Information Systems, Fifth Edition. Information /Property rights and obligations: what information rights do individual or institutions posses with respect to the information about themselves? What can they protect? How will traditional intellectual property be protected in a digital society in which accounting of ownership is difficult? Accountability and Control: who will be held responsible and liable for the harm done to individual, institutions and collective information and property rights? System and Life Quality: what services should we demand to protect individual rights and the safety of the society? What services and practices are supported and accepted by the society? RQ2- What are the specific codes of conducts that can be used to guide decision about cybercrime? Cybercrime can be referred to as the use of mobile gadgets or computers and internet to commit illicit act. Cybercrime (computer assisted crime) includes e-mail scams, hacking, distribution of hostile software (viruses and worms), denial of service(DoS) attacks, theft of data, fraud and impersonation, online auction fraud, phishing, child pornography, espionage (theft of trade secrets), cyber contraband and so on (Uwaje Chris, 2009). With the proliferation of mobile gadgets that allow easy access to internet and online resources, it becomes more disturbing because the cyber space, through which these crimes are perpetuated, is not defined by political or geographical boundaries, thus enacting or amending laws to curb them becomes a challenge. According to FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3 report, 2009), Nigeria ranked third in the world after US and UK, in internet fraudulent activities. Yet, there is no cyber security law to checkmate these issues locally. Similarly, Ewelukwa (2012), lamented that various legislative bills before the National Assembly, aimed at preventing cybercrime, have been neglected by the lawmakers including â€Å"The Computer Security and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Bill 2005 sponsored by the Executive failed to become law (Ewelukwa, 2012). Ewelukwa (2012) further stated â€Å"Other related legislative bills that have not yet been passed by the National Assembly include the Cyber Security and Data Protection Agency (Establishment, etc) Bill 2008, Electronic Fraud Prohibition Bill 2008, Nigeria Computer Security and Protection Agency Bill 2009, and the Computer Misuse Bill 2009. Cyber security entails all measures taken proactively to prevent and ensure safety from cyber attacks and related crimes. Cyber attacks vary and evolve on daily basis with advances in ICT gadgets. Therefore, government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy Backbone, Telecoms firms, Experts and Consultants), legal community, to enact appropriate cybercrime laws, and expedite action to sign the aforementioned bills into laws. Thus, would boost the nation’s image before the online community and globally. RQ3- Why do contemporary mobile gadgets pose challenges to the protection of individual right and intellectual property? Ethical issues have long preceded the evolution of information technology, they are the abiding concerns of every society everywhere on earth, nevertheless, information technology has raised and heightened ethical concerns, put stress on existing social arrangement, and made existing law obsolete or severely crippled. There are three key technological trends that are responsible for these ethical traumas (K & J Laudon, 2003): I. Increases in Computing Power: Everyday people are getting possession of different mobile gadgets for their day to day undertakings (research works, businesses, leisure and entertainment), due to invention of high powered gadgets with varieties of features made available by the manufacturers. II. Advancement in Data Analysis & Declining Data Storage Costs: it is clear that with contemporary information systems technology and data analysis techniques, one can assemble and combine myriad pieces of information about an individual much more easily than in the past. For instances, information about an individual such as credit card purchases, telephone calls, magazine subscriptions, video rentals, mail order purchases, banking records, local, state, and federal governments(including court and police records), can all be gathered and mined properly. III. Networking and advances in Internet: sharing and accessing large quantities of data over the internet, open the possibility of mining large pools of data remotely using mobile gadgets, and thus permitting the invasion of privacy of others. RQ4- How do mobile gadgets affect everyday life of instructors and students? ICT and mobile gadgets in schools, colleges and universities have affected everyday life of both instructors and students, either in positive or negative directions as pointed out below: Students can record homework and assignments on their phone calendar. Help instructors to monitor their lecture schedules. Use of camera functions in geography and physical sciences subjects to records things and report back to class. Some teachers learned to teach in different ways with an emphasis on independent study, and thus incorporated mobile gadgets in their lessons. Disruption during lectures in cyber- bullying one another using text and blackberry messaging(BBM) Spiteful comments or spreading malicious gossips. Some students used mobile gadgets (for fashion) to chase opposite sexes RQ5- How could mobile gadgets allow continuous access to education and reach marginalized groups of a society? It would be very difficult or impossible for the conventional (class-room) delivery method of education to provide continuous and educational opportunities for majority members of a society. ICTs and mobile gadgets have the answers and potential to help reach this objective. They are portable, pervasive, personal, affordable, ubiquitous, and interactive and hence, instruction can be delivered anywhere and at anytime through it. Moreover, it is an aid to formal and informal learning, it supplement and enrich formal schooling, make learning more accessible, personalized and flexible for students everywhere. And thus holds enormous potential to transform the delivery of teaching and learning process. Mobile devices can overcome geographic, social, and infrastructure barriers to reach populations, and marginalized groups by providing them with access to further learning and development. These devices facilitate distance learning in situations where access to education is difficult or interrupted because of geographical barriers. And therefore, m-learning or mobile learning, offers modern ways to support learning process through mobile devices, such as handheld tablet computers, MP3/MP4 players, smart phones and mobile phones. And thus, a mobile gadget is not only a device, but a door to greater education and continuous interactive learning process. Advantages of using Mobile Gadgets: Students, teachers, and researchers have many reasons to consider using mobile gadgets, since these devices are one of the most versatile electronics gadgets in the market today. Besides the obvious communication advantages, mobile phones have features, such as cameras and internet accessibility, that can help students and researchers in all aspects of their learning processes, from their studies to their social and professional lives and practices. Kat Stafford (2013) stated in his write-up some advantages of mobile phone to college students, among which are: emergency communication, parental connection, studying and research, capture memories, social and professional networking and organization. Issues and Crimes Associated with Mobile Gadgets: As cell phones have rapidly become ubiquitous in everyday life, the issue of cell phones in school has become a hotly debated topic. Many disadvantages also exist concerning student cell phone use, Rebecca Richards (2012), mentioned few such as: causes distractions, exams cheating, e-mail scams, pornography and cyber contraband. Recommendation: Provision of redundant internet services (both wired & wireless) in our various institutions of learning using technology such as WIFI, or WIMAX, to facilitate learning processes using ICT gadgets. Universities, polytechnics, COEs, and other institution of learning should use proper network administrative tools to police students over inappropriate use of services provided to them; it can equally ban and restrict access to ALL social networks that can cause distractions to their studies. Use of software tools like web anonymizers (such as Psiphon, Surfola, Silent Surf, and Merletn) to hide user tracks from their predators. Every institution should review its code of conducts to include contemporary netiquettes, so that students and researchers are made aware of the cause of actions of every crime they committed. Likewise, at national level government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy Backbone, Telecoms and IT firms, Experts and Consultants) and Legal community to enact appropriate cybercrime laws, and expedite action to sign all the legislative bills before them into laws. Conclusion: While there are enormous benefits to be gained out of mobile gadgets in terms of m-learning, enrichment, portability and flexibility in using ICTs throughout formal educational systems, there is even greater value to be gained in using the mobile technologies to increase access to millions of instructional resources who are currently outside the educational footprints. A combination of mobile technologies and relevant applications softwares, have the potential to overcome the barriers of time, distance, and allow adult education for those who have not been properly educated and now wish to be informed, well educated, trained or enlightened. It is apparent that ICTs offer opportunities not available previously to educators, using tools such as e-mail; Webinar, audio-video, computer–conferencing, both synchronously and asynchronously. With aid of ICT and appropriate set of application tools, a very rich interactive and learning environment can be created that allows learners to dictate their pace of learning, or place of learning. While the ICT tools empower our communities, they need not take away the role of the instructors or research supervisors; instead, students, firms, researchers and instructors should come together for a common purpose, work collaboratively with clearly defined roles on a shared platform to attain the set objectives of any kind. These communities encompass all levels and sectors of human endeavor, from basic education to postgraduate studies, from teacher training to business studies, and from non formal studies to language instruction, companies and research institutes. However, only infrastructure, fiscal resources, and policy support, would inhibit exploitation of this potential. And thus, an ICT world is an exciting planet of continuous learning process. References: AECT (2004). â€Å"Association for Educational Communications and Technology† Retrieved from: visited on 05-04-2013. Bressler, D, â€Å"Information and Communication Technology in Education, Retrieved frm. visited on 07-05-2013. Ewelukwa (2012).† Wanted: A law on cyber security† Retrieved from: , visited on 07-05-2013. IC3,(2009). â€Å"Internet Crime Complain Center 2009†Retrieved from: , visited on 19-04-2013. Kukulska Hulme .(2005). â€Å"Innovation in Mobile Learning: a European Perspective† Retrieved from : , visited on 19-04-2013 Kat Stafford, 2013). â€Å"Use of Cell Phones and College Students†, visited on 07-05-2013. Laudon K.J, (2003). Essential of Management Information Systems, Fifth Edition, Chapter 5: Ethical and Social Issues in the Digital Firm, P. 142-143 Long L.N, (2005).Computers Information Technology in Perspective, 12th edition, Chapter IT ethics, Crime, and Privacy. P. 278 Martin M. (2009).Ethics in Engineering, 3rd edition New Delhi: MC Graw-Hill P.2-3 Rebecca, Richards (2012). â€Å"Use of Cell Phones and College Students† Retrieved from:, visited on 07-05-2013. Uwaje, Chris (2009). â€Å"Cyber Crime: Its Implications for Internet Business Growth In Nigeria† Retrieved from:, visited on 15-05-2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Decision Making Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Case Study Analysis - Essay Example Mary, as a relatively new and inexperienced probation officer has a fresh outlook and different expectations from the system. Her approach to the case places more importance on "positivism" and a "watchman style" as she has not yet become part of the system; the cultural ethos of the organization on the other hand in entrenched in "classicalism" and has a rigid "legalistic" approach (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2003, p. 295). If only rational guidelines were to be considered, then, based on the crime score and offender score parameters (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 312), the offender qualifies for probation. Moreover, the offence is one of statutory rape and charges have been filed by the parents of the girl, over the objections of the victim. Hence more discretion, within the boundaries of bounded rationality is warranted and needs to be the primary factor in this case. Political considerations, however legitimate should not fly in the face of natural justice. Most decisions are arrived at keeping an organization's long-term goals in mind and solutions fall in to well established and acceptable solutions for identified problems - the 'garbage can' concept. To that extent, organizational culture is a definitive influencing factor. In fact it is this deeply ingrained ethos which influences the advice given to Mary by her supervisor. This kind of 'standard operating procedure' leads to the formation of 'legitimizing rituals' that further perpetuate the laid down decision making process. In effect, "equilibrium is set and protected" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 301). This is what Mary learns from the case. Symbolically the case is a sex offence and because of the pressure of organizational culture it has to be treated as one of many such cases rather than treating it on its own merits. The pre-set solution for such cases is the decision already 'arrived at'. This results in a compromise solution that though not exactly the best satisfies everyone in the system. This is because all decisions are made with incomplete information and although rationality requires the ability to choose between all possible courses of action, in practice all of them are not capable of being implemented due to various constraints. Hence the adoption of the concept of satisfycing i.e., "the attainment of acceptable rather than optimal results" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 298), which is a useful concept in criminal justice to satisfy diverse and contradictory interests. Cultural and Political Concerns in Decision Making Cultural and political concerns can never be left out of any decision making process as decisions are not made in a vacuum. Hence, understanding of thee limitations and learning how to work through them is a better option in the long run. This is what Mary realizes when it dawns on her that a compromise solution would have a better chance of success, since, "recommendations of probation officersgenerally correlate with sentencing decisions" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p. 302). The inputs given by Mary as a result of the PSI would provide crucial inputs that would influence the final outcome. Recommendations that are grounded in rationality and backed by the results of prediction models would certainly enhance the acceptability of the recommendations.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coursework 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

1 - Coursework Example Varghese gives his material validity and reliability by publishing the book under UNESCO which is an internationally accredited organization. Within his assertions, Varghese refers from various papers, publications and journals which are recent and therefore updated in examining how the current economic situation affects higher education programs. Organized in stages, and topics, the paper qualifies for academic credit, he generally introduces his topics of issue, breaks them down into digestible components and concluded on his subject matter. At the end of his arguments, Varghese offers a list of all materials consulted in his analysis, which are in fact updated and recent. (Varghese, 2009) Globalization has had tremendous effects on higher education to both the westernized and developing nations. The effects have a great impact with regard to movement of the educational products, services and personnel within all cultural contexts. In understanding the above educational mobility, Australia, U.S and developed countries like United Kingdom benefit from the scenario while the developing countries remain entangled at the export point which to a larger extent has profound effects on a country’s economic agenda, social empowerment and educational development. These complexities create an unbalanced situation of reduced income levels, and harsh economic conditions, pitting higher education programs are at risk of collapse, as there would be occasioned job losses and reduced ability of families to support higher education programs. Moreover, these trends liquidate student support programs further limiting opportunities for higher education and only public financing of higher education programs can ensure sustained development and access of educational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rumbold v General Medical Council Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Rumbold v General Medical Council - Essay Example At interview Mr. A found it difficult to appreciate the severity of the offenses for which he appears before the court, viewing himself more as a victim of modern technology rather than as an offender. He had clearly given little consideration to the harm caused to children by the production or distribution of such images, although when this was discussed with him, he did admit that he was beginning to realize the harm that this could cause. Mr. A is a 44-year-old man, who is married with two young children aged 8 and 10. He has no previous convictions. As a result of this conviction, his partner has ended their 15-year relationship and he now resides with his parents in a household with no children. He currently has no access to his children, a matter which is being dealt with by social services and the civil courts. Whilst he understands the reasons for this he tells me that he is profoundly depressed as a result of the breakdown of his family. He is adamant that he has never posed any risk to his family. Mr. A left education following a degree in public sector management, and until his conviction work as a manager for the local authority. He is currently suspended from work pending the outcome of his sentence. Mr. A tells me that he has never had any issues relating to alcohol or drug dependency, however, his level of alcohol use has increased in recent months as a result of his anxiety relating to these proceedings. Mr. A continues to make a financial contribution to support his ex-partner and their children. In the case study above it is stated that the number of images was relatively small. There is no indication of the level of the images and therefore it is not possible to give a definitive answer as to whether a community sentence is appropriate.

Biochemistry (cardiovascular biomarkers the advantages and Essay

Biochemistry (cardiovascular biomarkers the advantages and disadvantages) - Essay Example lood sugar, ECG and ECHO provide a gross information of the cardiovascular status, estimation of risk and presence of cardiovascular disease is possible only through definite markers of the disease. The ultimate aim of prevention of cardiovascular disease is to prevent end-organ injury like myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction mainly presents as chest pain. Infact, chest pain is a common cause for attendance to emergency departments. While millions of people present with chest pain every year, only about 10- 15 percent are actually diagnosed with myocardial infarction (Pasupathi et al, 2009). Lack of appropriate diagnostic and clinical tools to ascertain the presence of myocardial infarction has contributed to unnecessary hospitalization, investigations and expenses (Pasupathi et al, 2009). It is often is difficult to rule out acute myocardial infarction from several other causes of chest pain. But, in view of the high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with the condition, it becomes imperative on the part of clinician to diagnose it and treat in promptly (McPherson, 2010). While ECG is useful in diagnosing acute myocardial infarction, it is not a very sensitive and specific test for diagnosing the condition (Statland, 1996). Infact, in more than 50 percent cases, ECG is non- diagnostic with atypical features (Statland, 1996). Over several years CK-MB was the gold standard for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction. However, recent research has tarnished the image of even that test and troponin testing has replaced that (Statland, 1996). As of now, the search for ideal cardiac marker continues and currently, a combination of more than one marker is used to establish correct diagnosis and prognosis. Ideal marker for use in clinical cardiology would be that which is cardiac specific, that which rises immediately after infarct begins, that which after elevation, remains in the blood for some time, that which is easy to measure, that whose measurements

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analyzing Supply Chain Management and Innovation (WAL-MART) Essay

Analyzing Supply Chain Management and Innovation (WAL-MART) - Essay Example The success of Wal-Mart stores Inc. can be attributed to its ability to manage the supply chain efficiently. This essay analyzes the strategies that Wal-Mart uses for its supply chain management and innovation practices. Wal-Mart has a wide array of products targeting families and middle class individuals with modest incomes. Most of these customers are more focused on the quality of the products they purchase from Wal-Mart stores, rather than the branding of the products. There are four main elements of Wal-Mart’s supply chain management strategy. These are technology, vendor partnerships, integration, and cross docking and distribution management (Leeman, 36). The whole process starts from strategic sourcing, which is aimed at identifying high quality products at the best prices from reputable suppliers who have the ability to meet the existing demand. The organization then forms strategic partnerships with most of the vendors, creating a long term relationship that benefits the customers. The suppliers will then ship their products to the Wal-Mart stores for cross docking and delivery to stores in other locations around the world. The cross docking process, efficient management of distribution, and the transportation process helps Wal-Mart to maintain a constant inventory to cater for market demand. The company also focuses on eliminating inefficiencies that can undermine the whole process. Wal-Mart is highly regarded for its innovative business practices in the industry(Leeman, 69). For instance, it was among the first companies on the global scene to centralize their distribution system and rely heavily on Information Technology. Wal-Mart manages its Supply chain by using a highly integrated approach that brings together elements of logistics, operations management, information Technology, and procurement. The success of Wal-Mart’s strategy of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Oneself Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Oneself - Assignment Example on to that, the writer goes ahead to highlight one of the main reasons for the recognition of one self, is that it aids in the determination of the goals and the expectations of an individual. This can be described as the technique in which an individual compares the outcome of a particular event, decision for this case, with the expectation of an individual. On that note, analysis feedback simply means the determination of the impact of a particular decision with relation to the individual’s goal. The article clearly dictates that the only way in which an individual can learn about oneself is through the use of the feedback analysis technique. Apparently, through the comparison of the expectation of an individual with the decision made regarding a particular issue, one can be able to know one’s values and virtues. Subsequently, this goes a long way in determining the efficiency of an individual in the particular area of expertise. Evidently, this question can be answered after one has critically evaluated his or her strengths among other issues. On that note, the article goes ahead to give an example of the physicians and the mathematicians. Apparently, these areas are highly technical and therefore they require people who are gifted in the area. Notably, there career paths are usually spelt out during their teenage years. On the other hand, there are some areas in which one must first study in order to establish where they belong for instance in business. The decision to make a difference should be made early enough, in other words during the youthful age since it is at this time that an individual has high productivity and the vigor to carry out the required assignment. First and foremost, the ability of one to accept the other people, in simple terms workmates come in handy in the building of responsible relationships. On that note, this helps to foster good working relationship, which goes a long way to boost the communication. Secondly, there is the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A reflection paper on a book chapter Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A reflection on a book chapter - Research Paper Example The traditional approach of making comparison in relation to politics employed speculative and normative tools, with Aristotle leading in that pursuit. This comparison made up the pre-modern comparative politics. While the specific start of modernity remains a diverse debate, comparative politics in the modern times dates back to the emergence of various social science disciplines like sociology and political science (Caramani, 2008; Ch.1). Following this, political science is regarded as a young professional practice due to the fact that modernity is associated with the 21st Century. On the other hand, post-modernism is seemingly an upgrade of classical modernity. In this case, political comparisons are systematic and clearly organized, thus the argument that post-modernism is a stage within the process of modernity. This whole pursuit cannot fail to importantly account for political influence across the identified three periods prior to modernity. Contributions towards comparative politics are diverse and dynamic. History has it that many historians and modernists have the shaped comparative politics over time. The highlighted individuals in Chapter One; The Evolution of Comparative Politics are just but a few who have significantly contributed towards the evaluation and assessment of comparative politics throughout pre-modern, modern and post-modern times (Caramani, 2008; Ch.1). Although political undertakings are one of the most volatile practices in the contemporary world, the ideas, concepts and theories aired in the chapter are still relevant. The contemporary times in political context can be said to be modern in nature and paving way to post-modernism. Systematic comparisons of political aspects are evident today, with key players in the political field drawing relevant political concepts from political experts of the past. Therefore, the applicability of political comparisons in current times remains a significant

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Identify key issues related to Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identify key issues related to - Essay Example In such researches, the researchers should provide an advance warning to the participants and not coarse them into disclosing any private information they do not wish to for legal reasons. Vulnerable participants such as those who are at risk, those with diseases or those who have experienced los should be handled differently from the other participants. This is because the research questions invasion might affect their mental and emotional state which might compromise the research findings (Nieswiadomy, 2012). The researcher must be careful to avoid potential harm being inflicted on the participant as it may not be easy to undo it as the communication is not face-to-face. It is important for the researcher to take time to therefore interact with the participants to get to understand them and hence be aware of how to avoid causing harm. Lastly is on ensuring confidentiality of the research information by the participants especially amidst the hackers and viruses that might expose it. It is important to put safety precaution measures to safeguard the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wilfred Owen Essay Example for Free

Wilfred Owen Essay Wilfred Edward Salter Owen was born on 18 March 1893 and died on 4 November 1918. He was an English poet and soldier, one of the leading poets of the First World War. His shocking, graphic poetry about the First World War was very heavily influenced by his friend, Siegfried Sassoon. There was a vast contrast between his poetry about the war and that of others, such as Rupert Brooke, as his took on a completely different perspective, and showed the readers a whole new side of the war. This wasn’t how he always looked at the war though. It was out of his own free choice that he joined the army, but it was two traumatic experiences that caused his view point to change so drastically. Firstly, he was thrown into the air when hit by a trench mortar and landed in the remains of a fellow soldier. Then, he was trapped for days in a German dugout. It was these two horrible experiences that caused his dramatic change of mind, and caused him to suffer from ‘shell shock’, which led to him being sent to a hospital for treatment. That was where he met fellow poet Siegfried Sassoon, and this meeting changed his life. In March 1918, he was sent to a command depot in Ripon, and here, a number of poems were written. After he had recovered, he was sent back to the front line, and tragically, a mere week before the war ended, he was shot in the head and died. Owen started writing poems long before the war, and he stated that he started at the age of ten. His friend, Siegfried Sassoon had a large effect on his poetry, especially in ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’. These show direct results of Sassoon’s influence. A poem by Pat Barker was written about their relationship. His poetry changed significantly in 1917, where as part of his therapy his doctor got him to write his experiences down into poems. Though thousands of poems were published during the war, very few were acknowledged, and even fewer were loved, but Owen was one of them. Only 5 of Wilfred’s poems were published before he died. It was a popular belief that Owen was a homosexual, and there were some elements of homoeroticism in his poems, though he never actually said this. Historians have speculated as to whether he had an affair with Scott-Moncrieff, as Scott had dedicated many of his works to ‘Mr. W.O.’, but Owen never responded on this matter. It was only as a result of Sassoon being shot that led to his decision to return to the front line back in France, even though he could have chosen not to. He felt he needed to ‘take Sassoon’s place’. However, Sassoon was strongly opposed to the idea, and even threatened to ‘stab him in the leg’ if he tried it. Aware of what Sassoon thought, Owen didn’t tell him he went ahead with it and returned to the front line. He was killed whilst crossing the canal on 4 November 1918.

Impact of rise of China on international orders in East Asia Essay Example for Free

Impact of rise of China on international orders in East Asia Essay China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Her growth has been accompanied by more political influence and voice in international scene. Her international influence has started to be felt in the recent years. China great investment in other countries has played a big role in this. China has also been on process of fastening her diplomatic relationships with various countries. She is also a member of major international and regional organization e. . World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Monetary Fund, Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC). Additionally, she also has veto power in UN decision making process. Consequently her rise is likely to destabilize international orders in East Asia which compromises of countries such as People Republic of China, Japan, North Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and North Korea. It is likely that influence on this area by the America, Western Countries, Russia and Japan will be destabilized as China entrench its economic and political interests. (Rex Li 2008 p1). China has been having different perception about issues in this area which have been conflicting with those of Western and USA. For instance, the North Korea nuclear weapon programs which has been openly and toughly opposed by USA and Western countries has seen fair opinion from China which has also been opposing sanction against this country. China has also been actively developing ‘strategic partnerships’ with the major power and actors around the world. It is therefore clear that China has been having global aspiration but East Asia has remained to be the main focus. People of Republic of China leaders also consider East Asia as the most important region for her economic development as well as security concerns. She has vital interest in this region. Her leaders have also been paying great attentions on strategies of the major powers in East Asia especially the Russia, America and Japan. Her economic expansion in terms of trade has been increasing tremendously, for instance her exports grew from US$9. 8 billion in 1978 to US $1218 billion in 2007. Her foreign direct investment increased from US$916 million in 1983 to US$74. 8 billion in 2007. China has also focused on enhancing economic cooperation with the East Asian countries. This relation has been integrated into number of subregional economic groupings such as Northeast China-Korea-Japan and Hong Kong-Guangdong-Shenzen triangles. In addition to this, China has also been in forefront to ensure development of other subregions e. . Tumen River project so as to promote her cooperation with Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia and Russia. The other subregion is Yellow Economic Zone which include Shandong and Liaoning provinces, Japan, South Korea China has also continued to strengthen its multilateral and bilateral relations with other Asian nations. The announcement of establishment of a China-ASEAN free trade Area by 2010 in Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Plus Three summit in 2002 at Phnom Penh is a good example of these efforts. Additionally, she has also established its military ability through purchase of more weapons especially from Russia. For instance, China has over forty ballistic missiles. (Rex Li 2008 p4). All this relations offers China with a good foundation to destabilize the international order in East Asia. Although it may take a little longer, it is probable that America, Russia and Japan influence in this area will be overtaken by that of China.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Protein Purification Using Affinity Chromatography

Protein Purification Using Affinity Chromatography Protein Purification Using Affinity Chromatography ABSTRACT: The principle behind this lab experiment was to purify the His-tag protein RNase H by implementing a technique called affinity chromatography. This technique is unique in its purification technological apparatus because it allows the purification of a biomolecule in accordance to its individual chemical disposition. A mini-column is prepared using 0.5 mL of Ni-NTA agarose and washed with 10 mL of DI water. To begin the purification process, a sample of E.coli containing His-tag H is ran through a series of buffers to wash and remove unbound proteins, and then eluted to obtain the desired protein. During this procedure, the original flow through, eluting buffer flow through, washing buffer flow through and the unused eluting buffer will be retained and stored for the latter experiment. INTRODUCTION: Affinity chromatography is a technique for the purification of proteins. It isolates the transcription factors and purifys proteins by binding to a specific DNA sequence. The solution is passed down a column that contains the DNA sequence attached within the matrix. The proteins containing a relatively high affinity for the specific sequence are gravitated towards the matrix where it will remain and bind to the sequence. As given by the name itself, affinity chromatography is highly selective henceforth, superior resolutions and extreme capacity for proteins in query. Affinity chromatography isolates the proteins by means of a rescindable interaction linking the protein or in some cases a group of proteins, and a distinctive ligand attached to a chromatographic medium. Affinity chromatography is an efficacious method when the interactions between the protein and the molecule of interest is highly specific. However, the purification process can be a tad tedious and time-consuming. So to expedite the recovery of proteins while efficiently purifying recombinant proteins, affinity tags are introduced to various methods. The majority of the affinity tags are grouped as either a peptide or protein, which selectively adheres to the immobilized metal ion on the affinity column. The introduction of the affinity tags allows us to purify the proteins using affinity chromatography by taking advantage of the interaction associated with the metal ions and the protein molecules. The affinity tag is the amino acid Histidine, called the His-tag. The tagged proteins are passed through the column of beads containing covalently attached, immobilized nickel (II) or other metal ions (Biochemistry, 2015). Histidine is known to display the greatest interaction with the immobilized transition metals, such as Ni2+, therefore, they are the most commonly used affinity tag. This is due to the ionization property of the amino acid residue. Histidine contains an imidazole ring, that can bind and release protons depending on the surrounding environment of the matrix (Biochemistry, 2015). In this experiment, the matrix used for purifying the protein containing the His-tag is the Ni-NTA Agarose. The His-tag binds to the immobilized nickel (II) with great affinity and specificity, while the other proteins molecules are weakly bonded or end up getting washed out during the washing step. The E.coli lysate is what is loaded into the minicolumn affinity matrix. The bound proteins remain attached while the other proteins wash through the matrix. After several washes, the bound His-tag protein is eluted from the column using an eluting buffer which will decrease the binding affinity and displaces the protein. The His-tag protein can also be eluted with imidazole, which is known to be the most generally used elution agent. In this experiment, the protein was purified by collecting the supernatant from each wash series which ran through a Ni-NTA affinity column. Each buffer contained different concentration values of Imidazole in increasing order, starting with 5 mM, 20 mM, and ending with 250 mM for the eluting buffer. The final flow through of eluting buffer wash contained the completed purified protein. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS: 0.5 mL of E.coli lysate containing over-expressed His-tag RNase H 5 mL of Loading Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.5 M NaCl, 5 mM Imidazole, 10 % Glycerol 2.5 mL of Washing Buffer (2xs): 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.5 M NaCl, 20 mM Imidazole, 10 % Glycerol 1 mL of Eluting Buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl, 0.5 M NaCl, 250 mM Imidazole, 10 % Glycerol 10 mL of Glycerol (3xs) 0.5 mL Ni-NTA Agarose DI water HCl pH meter Mini-column PROCEDURE: Prepare the buffer solutions using the calculated values and adjust the pH with HCl until you reached a pH ofà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, and then top off to 100 mL with water. **NOTE: The glycerol, Tris, NaCl, and imidazole can be added to 80 mL of water and the volume topped off to a total of 100 mL after the pH adjustment. **Please refer to the data table for the appropriate values. To prepare the minicolumn, add 0.5 mL of Ni-NTA Agarose to the minicolumn and wash with 10 mL of DI water. Once the water has flowed through the column, add 5 mL of the loading buffer. When the loading buffer has gone through, proceed and add 5.0 mL of the E.coli lysate and save the flow through for the following lab. Using the prepared washing buffer, wash the minicolumn twice with 2.5 mL of the washing buffer and retain the flow through from the first wash only for the latter experiment. Once the washing buffer has completely flowed through the column, wash the minicolumn with 1 mL of the eluting buffer, and again save the flow through. The flow through from the eluting buffer was contains the final purified protein. Also, save 15 mL of the unused eluting buffer for the following lab experiment. Place all the saved flow through in the appropriate storing tube and label accordingly, including the initials of each group member or a distinctive marking so that it can be easily reclaim ed in the next lab. Hand the labeled tubes over to the TA for proper storing, you should have a total of four solutions. DATA TABLE: To make 100 mL of Loading Buffer 100 mL of a 10% Glycerol Solution 20 mM Buffer 5 mM Solution 0.5 M Solution Tris Needed Imidazole Needed NaCl Needed Glycerol Needed Loading Buffer 0.242 g 0.3404 g 2.922 g 10 mL To make 100 mL of Washing Buffer 100 mL of a 10% Glycerol Solution 20 mM Buffer 20 mM Solution 0.5 M Solution Tris Imidazole NaCl Glycerol Washing Buffer 0.242 g 0.1362 g 2.922 g 10 mL To make 50 mL of Eluting Buffer 100 mL of a 10% Glycerol Solution 20 mM Buffer 250 mM Solution 0.5 M Solution Tris Imidazole NaCl Glycerol Eluting Buffer 0.121 g 0.851 g 1.461 g 10 mL REFERENCES: J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, G. J. Gatto, Jr., L. Stryer, Biochemistry (8th ed., pp. 70-71). W.H. Freeman Company. Hengen, P. N. (1995). Purification of His-Tag Fusion Proteins from E.coli. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 20(7), 285-286. Biological Chemistry Laboratory Manual, (2017).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nelson Mandela Essay -- essays research papers

Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela is born in a small village in the Transkei province in the Eastern Cape of South Africa on July 18, 1918. He was in a tribe called The Madiba, his tribal clan, is part of the Thembu people. His family has royal connections; his great-grandfather was a King and Mandela's father is a respected counselor to the Thembu royal family. His father has four wives and He is one of thirteen children. On his first day of school, Rolihlahla is given the English name Nelson by an African teacher. After receiving a good education at local boarding schools, Mandela enters Fort Hare University and completes two years before deciding to leave for Johannesburg to avoid a marriage arranged for him by his guardian, Chief Jongintaba. Mandela then earns his B.A. degree, enrolls in law school and joins the ANC (AFRICAN NATONAL CONGRESS) which is an organization est. in 1918 to promote black freedom. Believing that the ANC leadership is too staid, Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu form the ANC Youth League. They plan to organize mass support for the ANC and make it a more verbal organization.1948; the National Party comes to power under Dr. Daniel Malan. His platform is called apartheid, meaning "apartness." They make new laws supporting racial discrimination and almost deleting almost all black rights. In1949, The ANC responds to the new apartheid policies, the ANC drafts a Program of Action calling for mass strikes, boycotts, protests and passive resistance. In 1951, Mandela becomes national president of the ANC Youth League. After that it is all downhill and Mandela is arrested several times. Later 1952, He draws up a plan for the ANC to work underground called the M-Plan. Early 1960’s Mandela escapes the country and travels in Africa and Europe, studying guerrilla warfare and building support for the ANC. Late 1962, Returning to South Africa, Mandela is arrested, convicted and sentenced to five years. He is held on Robben Island .He is held there for more then 20 years. 1985, United States Senator Edward Kennedy visits South Africa to show his anti-apartheid support. He is hosted by Bishop Desmond Tutu the recipient of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize; Kennedy also visits Winnie Mandela (Nelson’s Wife). Same year, South Africa's church leaders take up the anti-apartheid cause, led by Bishop Tutu. Late1985, During the summer, anti-apar... ...edy also visits Winnie Mandela (Nelson’s Wife). Same year, South Africa's church leaders take up the anti-apartheid cause, led by Bishop Tutu. Late1985, During the summer, anti-apartheid rallies and protests take place in New York City, Atlanta and Washington. North America keeps up their support when world famous musicians, including Bruce Springsteen and Miles Davis, release the anti-apartheid disk "Sun City.' The song "Free Nelson Mandela" reaches the Top Ten on rock-music charts in England. Feb 2 1990, In a dramatic speech to Parliament, de Klerk (head of getting Mandela out of jail) announces the lifting of the bans against the ANC and other political organizations. Feb 11 1990, After 27 years of imprisonment, Mandela is released. His new life is busy, visiting old friends and supporters, becoming deputy president of the ANC, and traveling with Winnie to the U.S., Europe and North Africa. In Sweden, he visits his old friend Oliver Tambo. 1993. Mandela and de Klerk are jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1994, Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as president of South Africa, with his daughter Zenani beside him; de Klerk is sworn in as deputy president.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Journal of JFK assasination :: essays research papers

November 22, 1963 The cheers and cries of the crowd were roaring and still escalating as he approached. The 1961 Lincoln Continental peered over the corner. The flap of hands in the air blocked the lens momentarily. Two security motorcycles made the turn on Elm Street and I felt excitement circulate my entire body as I knew any second the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, would appear. My legs trembled as I felt the breeze of the motorcade approach me. I was perched on a stone on Elm Street grasping my 8mm Bell and Howell camera. To Kennedy’s request his automobile would be without a top. Kennedy was now focused on my camera. I attentively filmed the hands of the President waving to the crowds of spectators; but if they had only known they were about to be spectators of a ghastly tragedy. And right then and there, on a clear November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. The laudation of the motorcade instantly turned into an outcry of thousands. An ineffable b lanket of terror covered me; yet I stood concretely filming the bomb of blood explode in my front of my eyes until the vehicle violently swerved and disappeared into an overpass. My heart dropped to the floor. I saw the world, I felt the world enter utter commotion, but my ears were not receptive to sound. A silence domed the scene. BOOM! The unbearable noise rang in my ears. I saw his body jump forward and his head swing back wildly†¦I stared, I tried, but I could no longer be reluctant to the truth. September 5, 1959 The scolding became part of the norm. The drill sergeant loved to yell and torment all of those under his command. I felt compassion especially for a man who seemed to have persistent trouble with the Corps. He was considered an outcast by many. Out in the range he had very poor marksmanship. Drill Sergeant Peters seemed to enjoy decrying this man. If he would become hesitant due to exhaustion from physical training, Sergeant Peters would soon enough get on his case and verbally torture him. I looked into the man’s eyes and saw a subtle expression of fear, anger, and distress cooking up all at once. A mask veiled despondent inside of him. He surely was not an exceptional shooter, or the fittest man there.

Its Time to Stop Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Essays

Since its establishment, the United States has always had an industry where humans have sold other humans for profit. Although the United States abolished slavery and human trafficking with the thirteenth amendment in 1865, the human trafficking industry has not even begun to disappear, despite all the efforts made against it. Human trafficking is an issue that affects various people. As author Kevin Bales said in The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today, human trafficking is of â€Å"equal opportunity† (18). It can affect all kinds of people regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity. Victims of human trafficking are sold for the purpose of being exploited through labor sexual acts. It is estimated that there are between 14,500 and 17,500 individuals trafficked into the United States annually (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Many criminals throughout the world often traffic humans with the intent of sending them to America. The United S tates is one of the top ten global destinations of human traffickers. Because of this, the country’s issue has a significant influence over the amount of people being trafficked worldwide as well (U.S. Department of State 359). In effort to reduce and prevent human trafficking, the United States has passed several laws such as the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 and the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (U.S. Department of State 1). Although passing these laws was a significant hit against human trafficking, the issue still persists. Because of this, the United States should modify its current system against human trafficking by creating more laws to fight the issue. This should be done to ... ...-troubling-shortage-of- organ-donors-in-the-u-s/2/>. United States of America. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Human Trafficking Into and Within the United States: †¨A Review of the Literature. By Heather J. Clawson, Nicole Dutch, Amy Solomon, and Lisa Goldblatt Grace. Aug. 2009. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. . United States of America. U.S. Department of State. Office To Moniter and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Trafficking in Persons Report. U.S. Department of State, 19June 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. . United States of America. U.S. Department of State. U.S. Laws on Trafficking in Persons. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sample Project Portfolio Document

Major Projects of Tiger IT Major Projects of Tiger IT DOC ID: TGIBD-PREXP-100911-RFTSQB Abstract: Tiger IT is a world leader in biometrics and identity management solutions. It has more than 10 years of experience in developing turn-key solutions for different governments and industries. This document briefly outlines the different range of projects that Tiger IT has worked on. Keywords: About, Tiger, IT, TigerIT, Enrollment, Registration, AFIS, ID, Biometrics, Automated, Fingerprint, Matching, Identification, History, Background, Projects, Profile, ClientsTigerIT Bangladesh Limited House # 134, Road # 12, Block E, Banani, Dhaka-1213 Copyright  © 2011 This document contains information which is proprietary to Tiger IT Bangladesh Ltd. Use or disclosure of any material in this document without Tiger IT’s consent is prohibited. www. tigeritbd. com 1 Major Projects of Tiger IT Client: Bangladesh Road Transport Authority Project Name: Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Hi gh Security Driving License Card, Enrolment System, Register System, Personalization System with Related Logistics, Services, and Training on Turn- ­? Key Basis Country: Bangladesh Date:April 2011 BRTA will use Tiger IT’s solution that records a driver’s photograph, fingerprints, signature, among other details and stores them in a highly secure and rugged smart card. The information will both be printed on the card and stored inside an encrypted chip that can be verified and updated by BRTA officials. The card itself will have multiple security printing techniques, some of which are visible to naked eye while others require specific instruments to check. BRTA estimates over 200,000 smart card based driving licenses will be issued using Tiger IT’s solution ever year. Tiger It is delivering he complete solution that includes biometric enrollment/registration, centralized database, application processing and issuance automation module, AFIS for de- ­? duplicati on, card printing and inventory management, and driver verification service. The scope of work includes the following: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Alpha- ­? numeric and Biometrics Enrollment in 64 locations (up to 20,000 registrations per month) Application processing and workflow automation for card issuance Relational Database Management System AFIS for 5 million records (4 fingers each) Card Printing, QC, and Inventory Management (over 200,000 card ssuance per year) Driver Verification from Smart Card (on PC and handheld devices) Various Web Service interfaces, including online pre- ­? enrollment in second phase Five years Maintenance with installation, operation and commissioning of the software www. tigeritbd. com 2 Major Projects of Tiger IT Client: Government of Cambodia Project Name: Cambodian National ID Project Country: Bangladesh Date: May 2011 Tiger IT is working in Cambodia for registration, database development, operation, and is suance of national ID cards for citizens of Cambodia. Tiger IT’s highly reputed biometrics capture and AFIS is in he heart of the project. The AFIS provided in the project is responsible for 2. 2 million records in first phase and additional 10 million records in second phase. The records will encompass 10 fingers each. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Total support for 150 mobile stations and 70 fixed stations for complete biometrics enrollment from all provinces Central database with full- ­? fledged reporting and administration support AFIS for 2. 2 million records for first phase and 10 million in next phase (10 fingers for each record) Smart Card Issuance (Personalization, Quality Control, and Inventory Management) Client: Bangladesh RapidAction Battalion (RAB) Project Name: Multimodal Biometric Project for Criminal Database Country: Bangladesh Date: June 2011 This solution uses both fingerprint and iris matching to perform de- ­? duplication. Biometrics enrollment an d fully functional Data Matching, Fingerprint Matching, and Iris Matching solution is major focus of the project. Apart from migration, Tiger IT is developing and incorporating multi- ­? biometric module to integrate with the existing RAB Criminal Database developed from www. tigeritbd. com 3 Major Projects of Tiger IT IBM Lotus Note Domino Server to Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition.Through this module new/old criminal information will be inserted, updated, deleted and identified along with the biometric features. Furthermore, the developed solution will also incorporated multi- ­? biometric module to capture information into the RAB Criminal database. 20 remote locations will be used and support for 200,00 criminal records will be provided. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Project has a high- ­? end biometrics enrollment solution to be used in 20 different locations Secure online and offline data transfer from enrollment site to datacenter Developm ent and Migration of Relational Database Management SystemThe AFIS system should support up to 200,000 citizen records for 1:N matching Customized Query, Work Flow Automation, Report Generation Training of RAB officials On- ­? site support for 36 months First biometric identity management solution in the history of Bangladesh to integrate fingerprint and iris matching in one project. Client: Bangladesh Election Commission Project Name: Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Voters Registration System of Bangladesh Election Commission with Related Logistics, Services, Civil & Electrical Works and Training on Turnkey Basis Country: Bangladesh Date: October 2010The Voters Register System consists of a Data Center, a Disaster Recovery System and over 600 remote locations throughout Bangladesh. It comprises all the hardware, middleware, application software, infrastructure, interfaces and services to provide a turnkey solution. The www. tigeritbd. com 4 Major Projects of Tiger IT V oters Register will store 100 million voters with their bio data, photo, 4 fingerprints and signature. BEC wanted an integrated online solution connecting all remote locations to the central system. The BEC wanted to acquire hardware and solution that is fully compliant with the principles f service oriented architecture. The scope of work includes the following: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Central   Voters Register Software Relational Database Management System Disaster Recovery System Voter Register Client Software license Ident Station Software license Management Information Software Voters List Generator Software Database Servers for Data Center and Disaster Recovery System Data Storage for Data Center and Disaster Recovery System Printers to Print Voters Lists Management Information Stations Administration Stations †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Enroll Station Peripherals Identification Station peripheralsTr aining of all central staff Installation, commissioning and operation of the Voter Register System including all necessary works for infrastructural development/set up (electrical, civil etc works/services) Various Web Service interfaces Provide onsite maintenance for 1 year Five years Maintenance Installation, operation and commissioning of the software †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ www. tigeritbd. com 5 Major Projects of Tiger IT Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal Project Name: Security Printing, Supply and Delivery, Installation of Equipments and Preparation of Machine Readable Passports Country: NepalDate: 2010 Tiger IT is working in collaboration with Oberthur Technologies in the Machine Readable Passport (MRP) project for the Government of Nepal. Tiger IT is providing the software solution for capturing data into the system with ICR. Tiger IT provided a solution capable of printing issuing 4000 passports per day. The MRP personalization center has a num ber of transaction points. These are as follows: †¢ ICR form receiving point †¢ Data verification stations †¢ ICR form scanning stations †¢ Personalization stations †¢ Dual data entry/edit stations †¢ QA Stations †¢ Foreign missions stations †¢ MRP handover oint www. tigeritbd. com 6 Major Projects of Tiger IT The ICR forms are collected in a batch and scanned using the document scanners. During the scan the software will separate the text, signature and photo, maintaining good resolution of the photograph and the signature so that they can be used for personalization of the MRP. The form image will also be scanned for the data entry/edit station operators to use. Other features of the project are similar to the ones described previously. Client: Bangladesh Election Commission Project Name: Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Automated FingerprintIdentification System (AFIS) with Datacenter Hardware and Related De- ­? Duplication Serv ice for the Current Database of Bangladesh Election Commission (BEC) with Training on Turn- ­? Key Basis Country: Bangladesh Date: June 2010 A clean de- ­? duplicated database that eliminates fake voter registrations was the main purpose of the project. This tender was issued by PERP (Preparation of Electoral Roll with Photographs) project under the Election Commission Secretariat. PERP had hired international biometric experts as consultants for the preparation of the tender specifications and evaluation of the proposals.Stringent requirements were set to ensure that only the most qualified vendor wins the project. Prior to the award of the contract a validation test of the AFIS was also performed for the eligible vendors. After a competitive evaluation, Tiger IT Bangladesh Ltd. was awarded the contract on June 2010 as the most eligible vendor. Tiger IT has successfully delivered the AFIS capable of de- ­? duplicating 100 million records with all necessary datacenter hardware . The de- ­? duplication is now underway, working at present with 85 million records. (Each record in the project has 4 fingers. ) †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 50 AFISMatching Cluster Servers 2 x Quad- ­? Core Intel Xeon Processor 24 GB DDR3, 1333MHz RAM 2 x 146 GB SAS, 15K hot- ­? plug hard drives, Min upgrade to 8 HDD Linux 64 bit OS, Java runtime 64 bit, Oracle 11g Delivery timeframe: 32 weeks www. tigeritbd. com 7 Major Projects of Tiger IT Client: UNDP, Bangladesh Project: Cleansing and Migration of Electoral Database of Bangladesh Election Commission Country: Bangladesh Date: May 2010 The United Nations Development Programme (â€Å"UNDP†) in Bangladesh engaged Tiger IT in order to perform services in respect of â€Å"Cleansing and Migration of Electoral Database of BangladeshElection Commission. † The scope of work included the following: Database migration to †¢ Installation of hardware/software/storage required for migration Oracle †¢ Back up of all migrated data on other backup devices †¢ Provide quality validation of migrated data †¢ Ensure data is not corrupted during migration †¢ Transfer of knowledge to BEC personnel, in terms of training, documentation, and any other preferred method by BEC Data cleansing †¢ Prepare a validated cleansing plan †¢ Identify data to be cleaned †¢ Transliterate Bengali data to English www. tigeritbd. com 8 Major Projects of Tiger IT †¢ †¢ †¢ Application evamp †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Extension of reporting features †¢ Secure API †¢ †¢ Design validation scripts to validate the clean data 99% of identifiable unclean data should be cleaned Ensure appropriate infrastructure and resources are used for this operation Porting existing application to new platform Change the application platform from PHP to Java to support new features Addition and change in business logic as per requirements of BEC Addit ion of new features Implement a general purpose reporting tool that will help the EC generate their own reports on demand New reports with extended summary features Secure API

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How And Why The North Won War by 1865 Essay

AbstractMy research topic for this test is explain how and why the magnetic north win struggle by 1865. In this essay I allow be explaining the conf apply reasons as to why the to the s let outh surrendered to the north fightd and how it all happened. This fight took place from 1861 to 1865 and is be as the around deadliest struggle in Ameri fucking history. The Federal or magnetic north States win the war against the mho or the union. Instead of looking at causes or consequences, in this essay I will go into the reasons as to why did the northwest win the Civil fight.The American South, though raised in military tradition, was to be no match br oppositehood in the coming Civil struggle. The manpower on the northward side was a lot intumescent and outnumbered the collaborationist army strength. The neglect of tension on manufacturing and commercial interest, the South surrendered to the northeastern their ability to to fight independently. It wasnt the Federal troops nor generals that win the Civil contend, except when their guns and equipment. From the truly first start of the war, the Union had various advantages. The northbound had large joins of honorable well-nigh e genuinelything that the South did non, boasting resources that the confedaracy had flat no means of attaining. (Brinkley, 1991).The Union had large amounts of land available for ripening food for thought brings which served for providing food for its hungry interchangeiers and m one and only(a)y for the get uping industries. The South, on the other hand, devoted approximately of their land to its main cash crop cotton. Raw materials were al some entirely gruelling in northern mines and refining industries. Railroads and wire lines are what the North was surrounded by, alone left the South isolated, outdated, and starving. The Confederates were willing to rat their cash crops to the North to make all sort of profit. Little did they complete , tabby cotton plant could buy them beat, moreoer not the war. The South had bartered something that perhaps it had not int terminate its independence. (Catton, 1952).The Norths growing indus pass judgment had a powerful dominance oer the South. amongst the grades of 1840 and 1860, American manufacture was pixilated growing. In 1840 the look for wallpaper exempt how and why the North won war by 1865. 4 tote up foster of beloveds manufactured in the United States stood at $483 million, increasing over quadrupletfold by 1860 to proficient under $2 billion, with the North taking the kings ransom.(Brinkley, 1991). The hugger-mugger reason behind this dramatic gain of money is because of the American industrial Revolution. descent in the early 1800s, some of the ideas of the industrial whirling began to get resourceed up from the American Society. One of the first industries to see tender development was the stuff patience, but, thanks to the British government, th is development almost neer sluice passed. Years ahead this, Englands pack Watt had developed the first happy steam engine. This invention completely revolutionized the British textile application, and level offtually make it the most profitable in the world (Industrial Revolution). The British government, were astonished with this unfermented material but cautious, so they ended up trying to protect the population by preventing the export of textile simple machinery and even the emigration of skilled mechanics. Despite chivalric attempts at deterrence, though, m both immigrants managed to make their direction into the United States with the advanced knowledge of face technology, and they were anxious to acquaint America with the upstart machines.(Furnas, 1969). People the likes of Samuel Slater canbe credited with beginning the revolution of the textile industry in America. He was skilled mechanic in England, and fatigued massive hours studying the schematics for th e spinning jenny ass until finally he no durable ask them. He emigrated to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and there, together with a Quaker merchant by the arouse of Moses Br witness, Research physical composition explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 5 he built a spinning jenny from memory. (Furnas, 1969). This would later catch known as the first redbrick pulverization in America. It would in like manner engender known as when the North had the frugal dominance over the South.The South could not seem to accept this after the sequence passed so they thought they could breakthrough somehow. other inventor by the name of Eli Whitney traffic circle out in 1793 to revolutionize the Confederate cotton industry. Whitney was pruneing as a tutor for a plantation owner in Georgia (he was too, ironically, born and raised in New England) and therefore k in the buff the jobs of ingathering cotton. (Brinkley, 1991). Until then, the risky task of separating the seeds from the cotton before sale had to be through with(p) by slave labor and was not very effiecient. With that being said, Whitney developed a machine which would separate the seed from the cotton fleetly and effectively, cutting the harvesting time by more than one half. This machine, which became known as the cotton gin, had amazing results on the South, producing the highest skip the industry ever had. In that decade alone cotton production figures change magnitude by more than 2,000 percent. (Randall and Donald, 1969). Lots seam opportunities opened up, including the expansion of the southerly plantations. This was facilitated by the fact that a single worker could now do the same amount of work in a a couple of(prenominal) hours that a group of workers had once unavoidable a safe and sound daylight to do. (Brinkley, 1991). This allowed slaves to pick much more cotton per day and this led most plantation owners to overdraw their land.Most of the gains from the cash crop too k over the basic necessity of the food crop. In 1791 cotton production amounted to only 4000 bales, but by 1860, production Research Paper let off how and why the North won war by 1865. 6 levels had skyrocketed to just under five million bales. (Randall and Donald, 1969). cotton was now bringing in about$200 million a year, which is a very vauntingly change for the south. King Cotton became a fundamental motive(prenominal) in southerly economy. However, during this short time of economic process, the South failed to realize that it would neer be fully keep goinged by King Cotton alone. What it ask was the second of Queen assiduity. Eli Whitney knew and realized that the South would not rapidely accept change, so he dogged to take his smart mind and ideas pricker up to the North, where it could be put to good use. He found his niche in the small arms business. A enchantment back, during both long years of quasi-war with France, Americans had been tumultuous by the lack of rapidity with which decent armaments and equipments could be produced. Whitney came out with the invention of reciprocal parts. His vision of the perfect factory include machines that would produce, from a mold, the various parts deficiencyed to build a standard understructure rifle, and workers on an assembly line who would retrace it.The North, eager to experiment and willing to try anything of economic progress, decided to test this new method of manufacture. It did not take long for the North to make Eli Whitneys daydream a reality. The small arms industry was successful. By the onset of the Civil War, the unify states were noting the fact that there were thirty-eight Union arms factories capable of producing a total of 5,000 infantry rifles per day, compared with their own paltry aptitude of 100. (Catton, 1952). During the mid-1800s, the Industrial Revolution dug boneheaded into to the sides of the Northern states. Luckily, immigration numbers were skyrocketing at t his time, and the sudden profusion of factory Research Paper Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 7 positions that mandatory to be filled was not a big problem. (Randall and Donald, 1969). The immigrants, who were escaping anything from the Irish white potato Famine to British oppression, were willing to work for almost anything and withstand inhuman factory conditions. (Jones, 1993). Although this exploitation was extremely cruel and very unfair to the immigrants, Northern businessmen profited alot from it. By the beginning of war in 1860, the North, from an scotch standpoint, stood like a towering elephantine over the Southern society. Of the over 128,000 industrial firms in the landed estate at the time, the Confederacy held only 18,026. New England alone surpass the figure with over19,000, and so did public address system 21,000 and with 23,000.(Paludan, 1988). The total value of goods manufactured in the state of New York alone was over four times that of the ent ire Confederacy.The Northern states produced 96 percent of the locomotives in the country, and, as for firearms, more of them were made in one Connecticut county than in all the Southern factories combined. The Confederacy had made one slip ones mind and that was believing that its thriving cotton industry alone would be enough to sustain itself throughout the war. Southerners didnt see a need to go into the uncharted industrial territories when good money could be made with cotton. What they failed to realize was that the cotton holler had done more for the North than it had done for the South. Southerners could grow huge amounts of cotton, but due to the lack of mills, they couldnt do anything with it. The cotton was sold to the Northerners who would use it in their factories to produce woolens and linens, which were in turn sold back to the South. This speech rhythm stimulated industrial Research Paper Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 8 maturement in the Union a nd stagnated it in the Confederate states.(Catton, 1952). Southern plantation owners believed that the growing textile industries of England and France were highly dependent on their cotton, and that, in the event of war, those countries would come to their rescue.The Civil War gave an even bigger boost to the already growing factories in the North. The troops needed arms and warm clothes on a constant basis, and Northern Industry was ready to provide them. By 1862, the Union could use almost all of its own war materials using its own resources. The South, on the other hand, was in desperate need and dependent on outside resources for its war needs.Dixie was not only fall back far behind in the factories. It had also elect to disregard two other all-important areas in which the North had chosen to thrive impartingation and communicatingthe Railroad, the Locomotive, and the Telegraph- -iron, steam, and lightning-these triad mighty genii of civilizationwill know no lasting pause un til the whole vast line of groomway shall unblemished from the Atlantic to the Pacific.(Furnas, 1969)During the ante-bellum years, the North had shown a large(p) desire for an effective mode of transportation. For a long time, canals had been used to transport passel and goods across large amounts of land which were handy by water, but, with continuing growth and expansion, these canals were seemly obstacle to many Northerners. They simply needed a way to transport transport and passengers across terrains where waterways didnt exist. The first luster of hope came as Americas first primitive locomotive, powered by a vertical wood-fired boiler, puffed out of Charleston Research Paper Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 9 hauling a cannon and gun crew sac salutes(Catton, 1952). The Railroading industry became a big thing in the North, where it provided a much needed alternative to canals, but could never quite help the South. Much of this could be because Northern e ngineers were experient in the cranial orbit of ironworking and had no problem constructing vast amounts of rail lines, while Southerners, werent very experienced in that area. The Union, with its some 22,000 miles of track, was able to transport weaponry, clothes, food, soldiers, and whatever supplies were needed to almost any location in the entire theater. Overall, this greatly helped the Northern war effort and change magnitude the morale of the troops.The South, however, was lacking on most of this. With its meager production of only four percent of the nations locomotives and its skimp 9,000 miles of track, the Confederacy stood in painful cognisance of its inferiority.(Randall and Donald, 1969). Another obstacle arose in the problem of track gauge. As the war unploughed on, the Confederate railroad system steady deteriorated, and by the end of the struggle, it had all collapsed.Communication, was also a big problem to Southern economical growth. The telegraph had came i nto American lifespan in 1844. This fresh form of communication greatly facilitated the operation of the railroad lines in the North. Telegraph lines ran along the tracks, connecting one institutionalize to the next and aiding the scheduling of the trains. The telegraph provided second gear communication between distant cities, service the nation come together like never before. Yet, the South, unimpressed by this technology and not having Research Paper Explain how and why the North won war by 1865.10 the money to experiment, chose not to go into its development. By 1860, the North had lay over 90 percent of the nations some 50,000 miles of telegraph wire. international Morse codes telegraph had become an standard answer to the problems of long-distance communication, with its latest die hard of land taking shape in the form of the Pacific telegraph, which ran from New York to San Francisco and used 3,595 miles of wire (Brinkley, 1991). The North has assuredly won over the S outh. Northerners, prepared to enjoy the privation of war, realized that they were experiencing an enormous industrial boom even after the first year of war. Indeed, the only Northern industry that suffered from the war was the carrying trade. (Catton, 1952). To the South, however, the war was a drain and only made them suffer even more. The South decided not to use two crops which would prove the outcome of the Civil War. Those crops were industry and progress, and without them the South was defeated.RefrencesAngle (1967) Paul M. A Pictorial account statement of the Civil War Years. Garden City, New York Doubleday Brinkley (1991) American History A Survey. New York McGraw Catton, Bruce (1952) The Army of the Potomac triumph Road. Garden City, New York Doubleday, Furnas, J.C (1969) The Americans A amicable History of the United States 1587-1914. New York Putnam Jones, Donald C. (1993) border InterviewPaludan, Philip Shaw. (1988) A Peoples Contest. New York Harper Randall, J.G., and David Herbert Donald. (1969) The Civil War and Reconstruction. Lexington, Massachusetts Heath

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Emergence of the Civil Rights Movement

The civilisedised Rights achievement that began in 1950 was an crusade to c every last(predicate) the arouse of disparity that had beed in char and snowy the States since the states conception. The feat began as a rent to draw and quarter payment on a promise to a fault presbyopic delayed, as historied by the gestures leader Martin Luther poof preteener , for desolate equality, in his letter from a Birmingham Jail. The untimely complaisant Rights faeces cogitate on integrating as achieved with efficacious representation such(prenominal) as in the brownish v. circuit board of Education carapace.This moorage was successfully appealed to the rabbit warren approach on behalf of Lisa embrown, a young grue whatsoever student, and argued by Thurgood Marsh on the whole, who was later on to ride on the judicature as a coercive judgeship justness himself, aft(prenominal) demanded consolidation in unexclusive education. (Cozzens, Brown versus di splay board of Education, 1998) The causal agency also was articulate done and through primal acts of civil disobedience such as the commence to jib the kill of Emmett Till, a thirteen-year-old northerly boy lynched for murdering a bloodless charwoman. Cozzens, Emmett Till, 1998)In assessing whether the goals of the movement were met, it must(prenominal) be none that it would give up been impossible in the 1950s that a drear woman would be a depository of State, as is the case forthwith, or could be in possession of win the solemn cherish standardised Toni Morrison. Martin Luther top executive jr. is not single a regard figure, merely gives his comportment to a issue holiday. up to now patronage the gains of the preceding(prenominal) decades, at that place pipe down dust an scotch and educational feast among pitch-dark the States and tweed the States that integration through sanctioned or g everyplacenmental demonstrations has not been suffi cient to heal. lynch as a earthy set has been brought to rest, perhaps, notwithstanding tensions exist all over the domain surrounded by dark the Statesns and what is lots an all-White law of nature force. America appears more than(prenominal) integrated today, and laws spargon for some methods of historic redress handle approving action.solely the understanding that this however rest inadequate, disrespect the successes of braggy African Americans on an individual(a) level, has caused numerous an(prenominal) unrelentings today to study the more radical, or culturally cogitate members of the primal movement, such as Malcolm X, and to enquiry whether some frame of cultural replacement of dim farming is inevitable to relax the still-lasting legacy unlikeness has wrought.And finally, the event of the failed relaxation essay of Hurricane Katrina to the generally all Black residents whose neighborhoods were undone showed the domain how of late the poverty the Great Compromiser in the nation in many devoid areas that are nonintegrated in fact, if not in law.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ethics †Accountant Essay

? listen 3 lessons or so honest motive from this article. 1. The inaugural peerless is the to the highest degree unchewable lesson healthy-read from practicing respectable acquit during Boisjolys 27-year engine room race in the aerospace industry, is that them, as individuals, piddle the result-ant means of each honorable confrontational occurrence as go through from the starting line of their c atomic number 18ers. 2. The insurgent lesson is what he knowing was to neer stop making kn confess superiors of high-risk intelligence agency so he could entertain his aloneness with peers. 3. The trey lesson is the incessant lesson intentional from these in the flesh(predicate) experiences, is that the costly guys scarcelyt joint win. withal though we lose, we overly comport an fix in the conclusion of the war. Which of the lessons listed preceding(prenominal) argon applicable to psyche entrance the be vocation? In my shoot of view, the third le sson, which talked active the straightforward guys stand win, is applicable to or soone incoming the method of invoice profession. The character picking is interchangeable with bill profession, be move we emergency to give ear on the truth. In this lesson likewise mentions duty was unremarkably utilize to polish the messenger take the naughty news, sooner than vindicate the wrongdoer.In the explanation profession, the tariff is also bespeak to pageant the cultivation non to revenge manyone. Therefore, these lessons servicing the causation erudite some beliefs. Moreover, this idea could posterior up him exit in the invoice profession. Boisjoly cites the hobby terzetto types of appearance that be apply by those confronted with an honest plight Exit, utterance, and loyalty. relegate a conjectural pillow field of study involving outside insurance coverage that would perform an comptroller ( either a somatic controller or an auditor) to convey in the midst of those terce types of behavior. here I give create a hypothetical case, and this case involves extraneous reporting that pass on cause an accountant. This story was happened in China. A partnership has ternion accountants. They argon Lily, surface-to-air missile and rogue. For the record, this c comp permitelyer-out just changed the bowl. The till pauperizations to go up some employees who are non certifiable with their stations. Moreover, the executive program of accounting is available now. The three accountants do non anguish closely cast down fired, but all of them want to separate out for the accounting supervisor.Therefore, they time-tested to do well on their own jobs, remunerative to a greater extent vigilance to themselves ain scene and inter soulal relationship. genius day, the handler took some lacuna notes to surface-to-air missiles military post, because he cute to advance an expenses account. However, surface-to-air missile refused the bowls fatality because the coffer notes were furcate rules. whence the public treasury went to Lilys unoccupied space, and asked for the identical intimacy. The discrimination is Lily cherished to keep in line the bus, so she reimbursed to the trough. some other day, the manger did the equal thing to cuckoo.Jack let the autobus go stern off to office at first, and he would organise these notes back to animal trainers office later. subsequently that, he returned back the blank notes, and he did not revere the requirement. ace workweek later, Lily was fired, surface-to-air missile was dummy up there, and Jack became the accountant supervisor. soul asked manger why, the manager answered that we cannot take in a person who do not copy the prescripts, We should employ the pack who either keep the principle or the fashion of methods. ground on this story, we contemplate Lily is associate to Loyalty, surface-to-air missile is relate to the Voice, because he stands up for ethical principles.